Tribute In Antigone Crossword Clue

The enigmatic tribute in Antigone crossword clue serves as a captivating entry point into Sophocles’ timeless masterpiece, Antigone. This profound play explores the intricate interplay of loyalty, family, and civic duty, offering a rich tapestry of characters and themes that have captivated audiences for centuries.

At its core, Antigone’s act of defying Creon’s decree to bury her brother Polynices emerges as a poignant tribute to familial bonds. Her unwavering commitment to her family’s honor, even in the face of severe consequences, underscores the profound significance of familial loyalty in ancient Greek society.

Defining Tribute in the Context of Antigone

Tribute in antigone crossword clue

In Sophocles’ play Antigone, tribute is a multifaceted concept that encompasses both personal and civic obligations. It refers to the respect and honor given to individuals, particularly those who have passed away, as well as to the duty that citizens owe to their community and its laws.

Antigone’s Act of Defiance

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Antigone’s Decision to Bury Polynices, Tribute in antigone crossword clue

Antigone’s decision to defy Creon’s decree and bury her brother Polynices is a powerful act of tribute to her family. By honoring her brother’s right to a proper burial, she demonstrates her unwavering loyalty to her kin, even in the face of great personal risk.

Creon’s Response to Antigone’s Actions

Creon’s decision to punish Antigone for burying Polynices is a reflection of his commitment to the state and its laws. He believes that Antigone’s actions undermine his authority and threaten the stability of Thebes.

The Chorus’s Role in the Conflict

Tribute in antigone crossword clue

The chorus in Antigone serves as a collective voice that provides commentary on the events of the play. Their observations and insights help us to understand the different perspectives on tribute and the conflict between personal and civic duty.

The Play’s Legacy and Impact: Tribute In Antigone Crossword Clue

Antigone has had a profound impact on Western literature and thought. Its exploration of tribute and the conflict between personal and civic duty continues to resonate with audiences today, reminding us of the importance of loyalty, family, and the rule of law.


What is the significance of tribute in Antigone?

Tribute in Antigone represents the profound importance of loyalty to family and the fulfillment of religious obligations, even in the face of conflicting civic laws.

How does Antigone’s act of burying Polynices defy Creon’s authority?

Antigone’s defiance stems from her belief that the divine laws governing familial bonds supersede the authority of the state, as embodied by Creon.

What is the role of the chorus in Antigone?

The chorus serves as a collective voice, providing commentary and insights on the actions and motivations of the characters, offering a broader perspective on the play’s themes.