Scientific Method Skittles Lab Answer Key

Embark on a captivating journey into the realm of science with the Scientific Method Skittles Lab Answer Key. This comprehensive guide unlocks the secrets of the scientific method, guiding you through the thrilling Skittles experiment that explores the fascinating relationship between color and mass.

Delve into the intricacies of hypothesis formulation, controlled experimentation, data analysis, and interpretation. Discover how this engaging experiment empowers you to unravel the mysteries of the scientific process, fostering a deeper understanding of the world around you.

Scientific Method Overview

Scientific method skittles lab answer key

The scientific method is a systematic approach to investigating and understanding the natural world. It involves formulating a hypothesis, designing and conducting controlled experiments, and analyzing data to support or refute the hypothesis.

A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon, based on observations and prior knowledge. Controlled experiments are designed to test the hypothesis by isolating the variables being investigated and eliminating confounding factors.

Skittles Experiment

The Skittles experiment is a simple and engaging way to demonstrate the scientific method. It involves measuring the mass of Skittles of different colors to investigate whether there is a correlation between color and mass.

Materials needed:

  • Skittles of different colors
  • Digital scale
  • Data collection sheet


  1. Measure the mass of 10 Skittles of each color.
  2. Record the data in a table.
  3. Calculate the average mass for each color.
  4. Compare the average masses to determine if there is a pattern.

Data Analysis, Scientific method skittles lab answer key

Create a table with the following columns:

  • Skittles Color
  • Number of Skittles
  • Mass (g)

Calculate the average mass of Skittles for each color by dividing the total mass by the number of Skittles.

Results and Discussion

Present the calculated average mass for each Skittles color in a table.

Discuss the observed patterns and trends in the data. For example, if there is a significant difference in the average mass of Skittles of different colors, this could support the hypothesis that there is a correlation between color and mass.

Explain how the results support or refute the initial hypothesis.

Applications and Extensions

The Skittles experiment can be used to teach students about the scientific method and the importance of controlled experiments.

Extensions to the experiment could include investigating the effects of different Skittles flavors or colors on the results.

FAQ Overview: Scientific Method Skittles Lab Answer Key

What is the purpose of the Skittles experiment?

The Skittles experiment aims to investigate the relationship between the color and mass of Skittles candies, testing the hypothesis that Skittles of different colors have different average masses.

How do I calculate the average mass of Skittles for each color?

To calculate the average mass, divide the total mass of Skittles of a particular color by the number of Skittles of that color.

What are some extensions to the Skittles experiment?

Extensions include investigating the effects of different Skittles flavors or colors on the results, or exploring the relationship between Skittles mass and their sugar content.